Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Flooring Decision

I did quite a bit of research on flooring. I new it was going to be vinyl but there are quite a few options out there.

Some of them:
1. Sheet vinyl - that's pretty much what I had before, so not an option
2. Vinyl tile you glue down
3. Peel and-stick tiles

The big warning about vinyl tile is that you should not install it on particle board. Because the underlayment (new word I learned) IS particle board and I do not have the skill nor the energy to rip it out and replace it, I decided not to go for vinyl tiles.

I finally found this product:

It is called Allure and it's by Trafficmaster.  They claim it's "The Easiest Floor Ever". The advantage is that you don't stick this to the floor.  The sections overlap and stick to each other (See the gray bits?  They're sticky.) This also makes it pretty waterproof. Important in a bathroom. I wanted to post a link to the Trafficmaster web site but they don't seem to have one.  Strange...

I bought the flooring at Home Depot.
About $50 for a 24 square foot box. The bathroom is only 40 square feet so, with tax, $120 total.

Installation was fairly easy, although exhausting.  It took me 12 hours to lay the floor. If I was a man with strong muscles it would probably not have taken as long, but cutting through this stuff with a utility knife is an amazing workout!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Floor in!

I'm sick as a dog this week, but the floor is in!
I still have a few finishing touches to add, but I'm happy.

And the light fixture arrived. I'm a little afraid to open the box. I hope everything is in one piece.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I Ordered a Light Fixture!

48" bathroom light bars are very hard to find. None of the local lighting stores have any, so I ended up ordering online.  Crossing my fingers that something with this much glass will arrive in one piece.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa Hat Brownies

How cute are these? Wish I'd found them before I took boring brownies to a party last night.

Recipe at Daisy's World:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This is where it started.
Guest Bathroom Before
This is where I left it last night.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Guest Bath Continued

Yesterday I went from this
to this
and then this
Ready for flooring.  Yay!

I primed the floor with Bullseye 1-2-3 primer from Zinsser because that's what I had and it's an all-purpose primer. After doing a bit of research for this post however, I found that there are actual waterproof primers out there, which probably would have made more sense.
I really didn't have to prime the floor for the flooring I'm using (more about that in a future post) so I should be OK.  Or I may go out and buy different primer...

Since I had a bit of primer left in the paint tray, I got started on the red walls.

I had an "Aha!" moment yesterday.  It will be a good idea to paint the walls before laying the floor.  No need to worry about drips. Duh!

Today's mission: finish priming the walls and get started on the cabinets.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Now you see it...

Now you don't.
What I'm doing this week...
I got the strong 18-year old home for Christmas break to take out the toilet this morning.  Now to get rid of the rest of the nasty floor.

(How do you like my little drain hole cover?)