Thursday, October 29, 2009

Weekday Cleaning


I'm not a fan of cleaning.  I've found that having a very specific routine for this makes it much less painful.  I'm a list person and checking things off gives me real satisfaction.

Over the next couple of weeks I will share with you how I keep my house in a semi-orderly state.  In the shortest time possible.  So I can do other things.

I have specific tasks for every day. Today I'll tell you what I do every weekday.  I'll go into the specific things for each day in a later post.
  1. Do the dishes
  2. Wipe the counters
  3. Sweep the floor
  4. Use the Dust Buster to pick up any visible debris on the carpets.
  5. Straighten up a bit.  Putting things back in their spots every day reduces the mess on "big" cleaning day.
  6. Do a load of laundry.
This takes no more than 15 minutes - 20 minutes if I decide to take out the trash and clean the cat sand.


  1. sounds like me! I have found that if you constantly put things away and do the little things like keep putting dishes in the dishwasher as you dirty them it cuts down on the amount of time it takes to keep the house clean.

  2. Oh I do so wish I could get motivated! Maybe that's why I'm reading your blog.:)

  3. I love it! You are just like checking things off the list....such a sense of accomplishment. My husband says I put things on the list after I do them just so I can cross them off. Kristy in Ohio

  4. I do those kinds of things to keep things managable too. The part I struggle with is that my sewing area is in the dining room. My husband built me what looks like a big buffet table with cabinets and drawers. It is my sewing center and SO hard to keep it looking clutter free when I sew every day.

  5. Sometimes my husband and I will set a timer for ONE hour. Clean as much as we can during that time period and then we're done until the next weekend. It forces us to live with what we didn't get to in that hour, and it forces us to clean the stuff we can't deal with anymore. Works alright (for us).

  6. I use the timer trick too to get some of the daily stuff out of the way. I found that if I schedule cleaning in. Like on Wednesdays (not on a weekend!) my house stays cleaner. I just write it in my business planner.

    I am looking for a RSS link so I can add this blog to my google reader but I don't see one. Have you set up this option in blogger yet?

  7. I'm a list person too! The good thing is some of the chores are assigned to my two kids. These are chores I know they can do and do well. I just "maintain" through out the week and do a deep cleaning on Fridays. This way the weekend is free for the family. I'm liking your new blog :o)

  8. I like your name and I like the concept of keeping up the nest. I have similar aspirations with my coop. As a fairly new blogger I'm also happy to be joining you with only a month's history.
    A timer? I never thought of using one. I shall see what the junk drawer yields! 8) This could revolutionize the life of this procrastinator. Thanks.
