Monday, April 5, 2010

It's Coupon Clipping Time

Every so often the need to save money pops to the forefront and I start clipping coupons, because groceries are one of the easiest places to trim the fat, so to speak.
After a while it gets a little old, so I tend not to stick with it.
But this time I will.
I think.
First off:
I would not be clipping coupons at all if it wasn't for the Grocery Game web site. (I'm not affiliated with them at all.  This is just my personal experience.)
Time is of the essence to me and I don't have time to walk up and down the aisles matching my coupons to products and then still not knowing if it's a good deal or not.
The Grocery Game gives me a customizable list of all items on sale at my local grocery store and tells me which coupons to use and whether the final price is a good one.

I have a whole bunch of "rules" for clipping coupons, but I'll save that for another post.
My coupon organizer:
Coupon organizer
As you can see, the coupons are organized in categories.
I also have my phone number in there because I've left more than one of these in shopping carts in the store parking lot.
Coupon organizer
This time around I want to see if my Grocery Game ($2.50 a week) and Sunday paper (about 50c a week, I think) subscriptions are worth it.

Here are today's savings:
10 x cans of diced tomatoes - regular price $1 - coupon price 50c - savings $5
10 x 6oz containers of Yoplait yogurt - regular price 79c - coupon price 40c - savings $3.90
3  x Axe Shower Gel - regular price $5.49 - coupon price $2.67 - savings $8.46
Total savings: $17.36

There was more, but these were the most quantifiable items.
Please note that these are items I buy regularly anyway.  My teenager has expensive taste in yogurt and shower gel.

Bottom line:  Definitely worth it

(It does take about 20-30 minutes a week to clip coupons and customize your list, and about 15 minutes extra in the grocery store making sure you have everything you wanted to get.)


  1. I am an AVID coupon clipper! I have been clipping and USING my coupons since I started buying my own groceries - about 22 years! I've never heard of the The Grocery Game and I'll definitely check it out! Best of luck to you!

  2. That's some real savings there! I'm not really a coupon person... they so often seem like more trouble than it's worth to me-- but seeing your success is making me re-think that. I may have to check out the Grocery Game and see if it is something that can help me out.

  3. I might have to try this site because I am not a coupon clipper. It seems like I can never find coupons for the products we use. I also never know where to find coupons, outside of the Sunday paper, which we don't get. I could use savings like that!
