Friday, December 24, 2010

Last minute Santa Hat tree topper

Last minute tree
We have a new 4ft Christmas tree in the family room.
It was a last minute thing and I did not have a tree topper nor did any store.

So...I had to make one, of course

Here's how to do it:
1. Find one old Santa hat somewhere in the house.
1. Measure how tall you need the topper to be.
2. Cut the hat to size - chop off the bottom.
3. Trim off the white trim and resew it to the new smaller hat. (If you don't have a sewing machine you can easily do this by hand.) You may have to make it a little narrower to look good on the smaller hat.
4. If you tree has a flimsy top, reinforce it a litte. I used wooden skewers.
5. If you're having trouble getting the hat all the way down the tree top, wrap the top couple of inches in ribbon to eliminate the resistance of the pine needles.
6. If your pom-pom is a little floppy, stuff some fabric remnants (the ones you cut off) into the tip of the hat.
Last minute tree topper
Cute, right?

1 comment:

  1. That is cute. I love gardening too. :) This blog is cool too.
