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I use cut-up old t-shirts for just about any task that requires a rag.
They're reusable, easy to launder, and I don't get upset when hubby grabs one to use for some or other dirty job in the garage.
There are always more where that one came from.
good idea - one that I have is as my bath towels and kitchen towels get old and have to buy new ones I cut the old ones to rag size and put a hem on them with the sewing machine so they won't unravel too much - the old t-shirts is good in that they don't unravel so no need to hem. Karen
good idea - one that I have is as my bath towels and kitchen towels get old and have to buy new ones I cut the old ones to rag size and put a hem on them with the sewing machine so they won't unravel too much - the old t-shirts is good in that they don't unravel so no need to hem.